
The economic and social impacts of European airports and air connectivity


Airports facilitate (inter)national accessibility. This has positive impacts on the economy, but also causes negative impacts on the climate and local communities. Sustainable development of aviation requires careful consideration of the positive and negative impacts. This study quantifies the positive and negative impacts of European aviation. Different methodologies are combined for this purpose:

  • Gross economic contribution: European aviation contributed approximately €505 billion to the European economy in 2019 and supported 8.1 million jobs. This means that aviation was responsible for 2.8% of GDP and 3.6% of employment in the European Economic Area (EEA);
  • Net economic impact: A 10% increase in the number of flights was associated with a 0.47% increase in GDP and a 1.6% increase in employment in the regions surrounding European airports between 2004 and 2019;
  • Wider social impact: Aviation contributes positively to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but at the same time has a negative impact on the climate and on local communities. Flights departing from European airports were responsible for 211 Mt of CO2 emissions in 2019. By emitting NOx and causing contrails, the overall climate impacts are a factor 3 higher. In addition, flights contributed to local air pollution. European aviation accounted for around 21% of global aviation emissions of PM, SOx, VOC, HC, NOx and CO in 2019. Noise nuisance varies widely between European airports and does not appear to be highly dependent on the number of flights. This suggests that other factors, such as the location and use of runways, have more of an impact on nuisance.


ACI Europe commissioned SEO Amsterdam Economics and Beelining to quantify the economic and social impacts of European airports and the connectivity they facilitate. The study provides a comprehensive and empirically validated analysis as input for future policy discussions and further research regarding the policy challenges ahead for the European aviation sector.


The gross economic contribution was determined with a traditional input-output analysis based on survey data and publicly available socio-economic data for European regions. The net economic impacts were determined using advanced econometric (regression) modelling. The broader social impacts were determined by assessing the relationship between air connectivity and indicators related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The impacts on the climate and local air pollution were quantified with Beelining’s FLAPS.25 emission model.



Client: ACI Europe

In cooperation with: SEO Amsterdam Economics

Author(s): Martin Adler, Antonia Petrat, Arnout Jongeling, Marion Kieffer, Gerben de Jong, Christiaan Behrens, Rogier Lieshout

Type: Research report

Date: October 2024


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