
Net spending impacts of air travelers


Government policy may affect air travel demand and therefore the amount that air passengers spend in the local economy. Policies that make aviation more expensive, such as (higher) ticket taxes or capacity reductions, result in less inbound travel and spending in the local economy. At the same time, fewer nationals travel outbound and thus spend a larger share of their income in the local economy. Both impacts work against each other and partially cancel each other out. Until now, the net spending impacts could not be properly determined, due to lacking data on spending by air passengers. In this study, spending figures were determined for different groups of air travelers. These range from €133 to €2,272 per air trip, depending on the type of traveler (inbound or outbound), travel motive and origin/destination. With these spending figures, the net spending impacts of air travelers can be determined more accurately.


Until now, the net spending of air travelers could not be properly estimated due to lacking data on spending by air passengers. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (I&W) commissioned Decisio and Beelining to develop a methodology and associated spending figures that would allow the spending impacts of air travelers to be determined more accurately.


Travelers have different spending patterns and react differently to policy measures. Therefore, separate spending figures were prepared for different groups of travelers. Passenger travel was segmented based on spending patterns, behavior and data availability. Spending patterns were determined based on survey data from the NBTC. Passenger behavior with respect to policy measures was assessed through an extensive literature review. This resulted a segmentation based on the following characteristics: inbound/outbound, travel motive and origin/destination. Spending figures per trip were then determined for each group.



Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

In cooperation with: Decisio

Author(s): Menno de Pater, Sibren Vegter, Mick Koopman, Rogier Lieshout

Type: Research report

Date: September 2023


(report is in Dutch)

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